
Making it Worth it

This post right now happened two months ago. The newspaper club I'm a part of went on a seminar held by this kind of organization thing-- I dunno, I think they're still starting out. Anyways, what they did was they let us have the chance to listen to big time people in the field of journalism; people already famous on local T.V. news programs, newspaper editors and the like. These people imparted their knowledge to us, they even exerted their time and energy to make visual aids in the form of power point presentations and did a compilation of their own video footage to show us. After these media personalities spoke, they gave us the chance to ask questions and I sure as heck jumped on that opportunity right away! Like, even though I'm a radio broadcaster in our club, I asked the speakers of Feature Writing, Editorials, and others questions about that particular field. I'm sure some people must have been pissed that I had the courage to ask a question everytime, but it was only the sheer will to make the most of the money that I spent on this seminar driving me. I mean, we spent a lot! And for me to just sit there and be passive is not an example of making it worth it, so every chance I got, I made it worth it. See where I'm coming from?

After all the questioning and the answering, we moved next to the on the spot contest. In each category like Feature Writing or Editorial Writing or Broadcasting, there would be a contest held that either the students who are under that category and the students not a part of it can join. Of course, I joined each contest for the slightest assurance to at least win one(but I didn't---oh well, least I tried to make my effort worth it).

Later, while on the bus to our way home, we took some photos. One of my friends complained that the lighting on my side was good and he said he'd sit by the window next time. Haha.

Here's the video of that experience :D Enjoy!

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