
Feelings, Sensations, and Emotions

Hi there! I'm back from the dead. Or maybe the purgatory of college?

 I've been away for a long while. I have no excuses, except that I lost inspiration for a time with photography and writing. Sometime ago, I met someone who made me feel disillusioned with these mediums for expression. I felt that these things were sullied because he'd use them as a means to connect with someone but then abruptly disrupt and sever that connection without any good reason. It was disheartening to me-- this first encounter with an emotionally-unavailable individual. But it's alright, I've since recovered from that.

Afterward, I started having this feeling that photos and words far better than mine were produced daily, why continue doing this when someone else out there might have written the same thing or taken the same type of picture? I realized that I had to because I needed to, in a way. Giving stories to photos and writing down my inner most thoughts is a way I personally cope with all my mixed up feelings, sensations, and emotions(see what I did there?).

With this renewed purpose for writing, I've decided that no matter what, it will always be something I enjoy working on. And something I want to be committed on doing regularly. Hence, my comeback to this blog you thought was dead. Are blogs still even a thing? I feel like, with Squarespace going rampant, "websites" are the terms used to replace blogs with a professional purpose now. Oh well. I'll just be here in my little corner of the internet, writing away.

These photos were taken during 2018, if I remember correctly. It's of my friends and I exuding the things that the title suggests.

I had come up with the idea of this post some time ago, when I saw this series of photos of the slight nuances of our expressions. It suggested a change from within. And the fact that it was a series of three photos of each of us three friends was real cute to me haha. I hope you enjoy!











 I have many photos in my archive I never got to posting on time. I hope it'll be fine if I dump them on here in the following posts. 


It's been so long since I've done this, and I miss it a ton :'))  
Till next time, darling critters!

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